California Healthy Kids Survey
The California Department of Education requires schools and districts to ask students about alcohol, tobacco, and other drug issues, as well as questions about school safety and the learning environment. We will be administering the California Healthy Kids Survey to students in grades 5, 7, 9 and 11. Participation in the survey is voluntary on the part of the student, and we hope you will give permission so that your child's opinion and knowledge can be part of the information gleaned from the survey. The survey is anonymous. No names or any other identifying information is connected to the answers except for the name of the school.
The surveys may be reviewed by clicking on the links below:
Elementary Survey (English)
Elementary Survey (Spanish)
Middle School Survey (English)
Middle School Survey (Spanish)
High School Survey (English)
High School Survey (Spanish)
The surveys may be reviewed by clicking on the links below:
Elementary Survey (English)
Elementary Survey (Spanish)
Middle School Survey (English)
Middle School Survey (Spanish)
High School Survey (English)
High School Survey (Spanish)