Health and Safety
This page is utilized to provide the POUSD community pertinent health and safety information
Air Quality Resources for Fire and Smoke
COVID Related Update and Information
Air Quality Resources for Fire and Smoke
COVID Related Update and Information
Extreme Weather Response and Air Quality Resources for Fire and Smoke
Unfortunately, wildfires are a concern locally and regionally. On occasion, extreme weather can also be a concern. We encourage all members of the POUSD community to Sign up for Alerts through the County of Sonoma, so that your family receives the most current news/warnings regarding extreme weather, as well as local wildfires and their potential impact. Schools across the district utilize "Parentsquare" to communicate with families. If you have not signed up for Parentsquare to receive school notifications via text or email, ask your child's school for assistance. Parentsquare allows the district to communicate with our families in numerous home languages. During emergency situations, information will also be posted on the district website.
The Air Quality web page that all Sonoma County public schools monitor when air quality is in question is found HERE. This resource includes information for monitoring air quality, as well as a guidance that helps school district to determine when to cancel activities or close schools. These guidelines were developed in partnership with the Sonoma County Department of Health Services and the two air quality management districts that govern our region.
Sonoma County road closure information can be monitored HERE.
COVID Update:
All members of the POUSD community are responsible for self-monitoring their health. No member of the community should come to school should they be experiencing COVID-related symptoms. CDC's "Symptoms of COVID-19" can be found HERE to assist you in determining whether or not you may be symptomatic for COVID.
The Sonoma County Department of Public Health (SCDPH) updated health and safety guidance for the 2023-24 school year on January 2024. According SCDPH, the foundational principle of the updated guidance from the State for schools continues to be that “all students must have access to safe, full-time instruction and as much instruction time as possible” this school year. SCDPH’s updated guidance is available in English HERE. POUSD follows SCDPH's COVID Testing Framework found HERE.
Here are some other important highlights from the current guidance:
As a public school district, we are required to follow County Department of Public Health (CDPH) guidelines which require that masks be worn at school while indoors for everybody, regardless of vaccination status. Additionally, CDHS and Sonoma County Office of Education are now jointly “strongly recommending” outdoor masking in school settings. POUSD is following that guidance as well. From CDHS regarding selecting an effective mask, "Cloth masks can work well if they are tight fitting and made of materials that filter out small particles... Medical masks include various types of loose-fitting disposable masks." Bandanas and Gators are considered less effective and POUSD staff and students are asked to refrain from wearing them at school. Here is a graphic that will help students and staff differentiate types of masks and what is allowable: MASK GRAPHIC
Physical Distancing- No physical distancing requirements
According to SCDPH, “recent evidence indicates that in-person instruction can occur safely without minimum physical distancing requirements when other mitigation strategies (e.g., masking) are implemented.” Therefore, physical distancing is not mandated, thus increasing opportunities for important peer interaction.
Very few POUSD students are bus riders. Those students that do ride the bus to school, will be required to wear a mask while on the bus. Physical distancing will not be required.
Water Bottles
We will continue to use bottle fillers/faucets instead of drinking fountains. Students are
encouraged to bring a labeled water bottle to school daily for refilling.
Outdoor Dining- when possible
As weather conditions allow, students will enjoy outdoor dining whenever feasible. As needed, indoor dining will occur facilitated by a filtered HVAC system.
Handwashing Hygiene- Routinely and across campus
Each classroom will exercise ongoing hand hygiene routines throughout the school day.
Campus Cleaning
Increased custodial services will continue in order to ensure high touch surfaces are
disinfected and deep cleaning will happen routinely throughout the district.
Ventilation/Air Quality- modern system and high industry standard
POUSD HVAC System Filters are at the highest MERV rating that our system can properly operate at without pressure drop concerns. Bipolar Ionization units are utilized to routinely disinfect classrooms and indoor workspaces.
COVID Testing
When there is a confirmed COVID exposure at school, we will provide a mechanism for students and staff to be tested onsite so as to minimize the amount of time out of the classroom.
Pediatric and Juvenile Vaccine Updates (January 2022)
Current Vaccination Rates: 30% vaccination rate for ages 5 - 11. Vaccine rates are on track, however outreach efforts need to increase momentum in order to meet the goals of 50% vaccinated by February 1, 2022 and 70% vaccinated by March 1, 2022. 70% vaccination rate for ages 12 - 18, which is lower than other counties. School Leaders are asked to increase their messaging to teenagers to encourage vaccination. Clinics will be opening at high schools and middle schools in the next wave of clinics to focus on this age group.
New English/Spanish County Health Videos encouraging vaccinations are available for school leaders to share with their communities. New information from the State is expected in January covering boosters for over students over age 12, vaccination approval(s) and questions about mandates. More information is available HERE.